I turned 31 yesterday and my gift from the find state of Wisconsin was to expire my driver's license. Now its been 8 years since I got my last license so I had forgotten how painful an experience the DMV was.
My story begins at the DMV Express, located in a strip mall in town. Now with a name like "DMV Express", you'd expect it to be fast. Hell no. I got their 15 minutes after they opened and I was at least 30th in line. Then, they had one mofo working in there. Now, if you promise fast service, you'd expect there to be one person to take the pic, one dude to do the processing and one to supervise. Nope, only one dude to do it all.
30 minutes and 3 spots in line later (express my ass), I finally read a sign that says that they don't take credit or debit cards. wtf!? Is the DMV the only place that hasn't joined the 21st century? I haven't written a check in years. Needless to say, I left.
On my way back to work, I figured I'd stop at the normal DVM. It couldn't be any worse than the express one, right? It's hard to believe it, but it was worse. It was wall to wall with illegal aliens getting state ID cards. I couldn't even walk up to the desk to get a number. I didn't even wait around and went back to work.
Anyway, I will be back at the express office tomorrow, camping in front of the door in the hope that I might be number 10 in line when they open. Wish me luck!