I feel that only Archos may be able to help you. However, the following points need to be clarified anyway, since basic info is needed for troubleshooting your case.
1. I think the role of TPPINST_5_04.EXE is well explained in
Did your burner come with an installation CD? Then it should have some readme file or a manual on the CD. If not, complain to Archos, and ask them if you can download it from their site.
2. If before installing TPP, or after uninstalling TPP, your Device Manager only lists
Universal Serial Bus controllers:
Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
USB Root Hub
this should mean your box only has a single USB 1.1 port. So how many USB ports do you really have? Just inspect you box. If you do have more than one port, are they all working with your Palm Pilot USB synchronization? (They should not, unless you censored your previous description of Device Manager...)
3. Even if your motherboard documentation mentions USB only, it's probably USB 1.1. You could check via Sandra Standard
but it will probably only confirm USB 1.1.
4. Do you really mean that both after using Remove in TPPINST_5_05 and again after the removal via Device Manager suggested by dodecahedron, Device Manager still lists
! USB Storage Adapter V3 (TPP)
If yes, then something is seriously wrong, and you should contact Archos (who may suggest reinstalling Windows...). Of course, you could try removing TPP both ways again, but if you fail, not much can be done. If you succeed, read the manual linked above, run TPPINST_5_05 again, reboot, check Device Manager, and only if you see no !, connect your drive; then check Device Manager again.
5. Did you mean "writer" when you wrote "scanner"?
If Archos can't help you with the w2k pro box, but you are happy with your home pc, you may keep your SlimCDRW. Otherwise I would suggest returning it. You could then look for vendors with better support.
Before buying external storage devices, I always make sure that I can return them if they don't work on all my boxes (currently 98SE and Win XP Pro).