First of all, I installed a dimmer in my family room several months ago, and there was a bare copper wire (i.e. ground) in the wall box, so i do know what a ground wire usually looks /can look like.
I recently bought a dimmer for the dining room, which I installed today.
I have turned the light off, since I can't figure out if there is or isn't a ground wire inside the electrical box (i.e. that light switch is connected to) in the wall.
Here are the wires in the wall light electrical "box" for the dining room and what, if anything, they WERE connected to with respect to the traditional (non dimmer, just on/off ) light switch:
1 black (had been connected to the previous light switch (non dimmer))
1 black (same as above)
1 red (was not hooked up to anything)
TWO beige connected only to each other inside the box (and were NOT connected to previous switch) - what are these for since they arebn't connected to anything external but are connected together?
I connected each of the dimmer's (not 3-way) two black wires
to one of the black wires in the electrical wall light box.
The light does work fine like this, however the dimmer switch's ground is NOT hooked to anything in the electrical box in the wall (yet), because I couldn't find a loose copper wire and I wasn't sure what the red wire in the electrical wall box was for.
I doubt the TWO beige wires are for grounding, since there would only be one if it were the ground wire.
Could I simply connect (tape with electrical tape) the ground wire to the metal of the electrical wall box to form a ground or is the red possibly for grounding (I tend to doubt it).
As mentioned, I found the previous light switch (non dimmer type) not to be grounded, but I want to ground the dimmer.
What are the possible negative side effects of not grounding?
Thanks for any tips!