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GE Develops 500GB Holographic Optical Disc

Stand alone DVD and Blu-ray Disc players and recorders.

GE Develops 500GB Holographic Optical Disc

Postby Ian on Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:04 am

GE announced this week that it has developed a micro-holographic disc capable of storing 500GB of data. GE claims that the hardware and formats are similar to current optical storage technology and that micro-holographic players will be able to play back CDs, DVDs and BDs.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/News/ge-announce ... -disc.html

GE Global Research, the technology development arm of the General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), today announced a major breakthrough in the development of next generation optical storage technology. GE researchers have successfully demonstrated a threshold micro-holographic storage material that can support 500 gigabytes of storage capacity in a standard DVD-size disc. This is equal to the capacity of 20 single-layer Blu-ray discs, 100 DVDs or the hard drive for a large desktop computer.

GE’s micro-holographic discs will be able to be read and recorded on systems very similar to a typical Blu-ray or DVD player. Holographic storage is different from today’s optical storage formats like DVDs and Blu-ray discs. DVDs and Blu-ray discs store information only on the surface of the disc; holographic storage technology uses the entire volume of the disc material. Holograms, or three-dimensional patterns that represent bits of information, are written into the disc and can then be read out. Although GE’s holographic storage technology represents a breakthrough in capacity, the hardware and formats are so similar to current optical storage technology that the micro-holographic players will enable consumers to play back their CDs, DVDs and BDs.
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