I just got the latest Crutchfield catalog (for those outside the US, or who haven't heard of them, they offer a catalog of home/car audio/video gear).
I was VERY surprised to see how few players in their catalog's features
chart purported to be +RW compatible.
Only 7 players out of about 30 or so (don't quote me on the exact numbers, since I don't have it in front of me now) were said according to Crutchfield to be +RW compatible.
By contrast, every single DVD player (other than a few DVD/VCR combo units) was said to be DVD-R compatible.
I knew -R was a bit more compatible than +R (say 88% vs 78%, although those numbers should be higher now with newer models supporting recordable media to a greater degree than their predecessors), but
7 out of 30 for +R vs 30 out of 30 for -R???
It may just be their selection; but still, they sell popular brands...
To me personally it doesn't matter, since 3 of my 4 DVD players play +R
Apex AD-703 (non progressive)
Sony NS-715P (progressive scan) - personal favorite
Cyberhome 300 (progressive scan)
My Toshiba SD-4109X (non progressive), which is slightly older than the Apex, is the only one that doesn't play +R.
In fact it doesn't even play CD-R/CD-RWs, so I was VERY surprised
when it DID play DVD-Rs...