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Copy of An Copy (mode 1 and mode 2)

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Copy of An Copy (mode 1 and mode 2)

Postby minchin on Thu Nov 21, 2002 8:22 pm

Hi all,
We all have heard the famous saying "It is best not to make a copy of a copy". My understanding is that this refer to making a 1:1 dupe in program like CloneCD where even the error correction code is copied bit by bit. In this case, since ECC code is not regenerated, it is potentially possible that a read error is not going to be fixable (please correct me if I am wrong, am not too good with the technical understanding of C1/C2 errors).
Now, in most of the tests done here at cdrlabs, the gang always does DAE tests. DAE on Audio CD should be like reading RAW on data cd (mode 1 or mode 2).
So can I assume that if a CDR drive can do DAE with perfect accuracy, then it can do copy of an copy (either mode 1 or 2) perfectly?
What other factors come into play when doing Copy of an Copy? what factor can let us determine if one drive will be better than others in making copy of an copy?

CD-RW Thug
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Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2002 9:33 am

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