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Conflict between Nero express and Win XP CD-R burner

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Conflict between Nero express and Win XP CD-R burner

Postby stingray on Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:20 pm

Nero Express (Version OEM
DVD-R /CD-RW Drive: Matshita CW-8122 / Driver version 5.1.2535.0

Since a full format and reinstall of my Win XP system I am having increasing problems with the Win XP CD-R burner which is competing with Nero express .

This is the sequence of operations:
  1. Open Nero Express.
  2. Insert CD-Rom (which was originally created with the same version of Nero express).
  3. Click on "create data disc" option. This should normally cause nero to scan the CD-R and display the files.
  4. However at this point the native Win XP burner kick in and takes over.
  5. Nero express hangs and I have to end the application (using Alt + Ctrl + Del.
  6. If i try to relaunch Nero Express it won't open and an error message tells me that another burner is using the drive

What's confusing is that I did not have this problem before I reformated / reinstalled the system.

How do I solve this problem so that Nero express is able to complete the CD reading / writing process without being interrupted.
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:40 pm

I'd disable the XP burning engine (you probably did this in your old system). There's a thread in the FAQ section that shows how: Disabling Windows XP's built-in burning engine

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Postby stix on Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:09 am

I thought there was another way to disable XP's CD burning function. I looked, and here's what I found:

1. Navigate to My Computer, and open My Computer.
2. right click (if your mouse is set up for a right-handed person) on the CD burner drive in question, and select "properties" from the drop-down menu.
3. From the Properties window, select the "Recording" tab.
4. Inside the "Desktop CD Recording" box, de-select the check box marked "Enable CD recording on this drive".
5. Click on the Apply button. Then click on OK.

Don't know if this will solve the problem, but it is worth a try.

I'm wondering if you may have some corrupted files.

Also, you may be able to update your Nero Express (Version OEM to version
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Postby stingray on Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:45 am

Thanks for replies. Perhaps an update or disabling the native Win XP burner may be the answer.

I forgot to add to my previous post that if I wait a fair few minutes, then Win XP burner will eventually release the CD-R drive so that Nero Express can function normally. :-^ But it can be a bit of a wait and certainly not what the manafacturer would have intended.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:10 pm

stix wrote:I thought there was another way to disable XP's CD burning function. I looked, and here's what I found:

1. Navigate to My Computer, and open My Computer.
2. right click (if your mouse is set up for a right-handed person) on the CD burner drive in question, and select "properties" from the drop-down menu.
3. From the Properties window, select the "Recording" tab.
4. Inside the "Desktop CD Recording" box, de-select the check box marked "Enable CD recording on this drive".
5. Click on the Apply button. Then click on OK.

this method too is mentioned in that FAQ.
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Postby stingray on Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:11 pm

OK, I've tried out the advice:

1) Disabling the Win XP burning engine makes no difference at all. :cry:

2) Update to Nero burning ROM No difference. In fact performance is worse because when Nero finally does get control of the CD drive (after several minutes wait) the attempted burn fails - I never had a burn failure with nero :cry:

So I have reinstalled nero I can still burn Cds as long as I'm prepared to wait a few minutes for Nero to kick in. Also I've noticed that when the burn does start it is a bit slower than usual.

So what now? :-? Perhaps I need to update drivers or...........?
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Postby Justin42 on Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:12 pm

There shouldn't be new drivers for any optical drive (they all use basically the same drivers) but there may be new firmware which may help your drive. Not sure where to check, but look at the manufacturer/OEM/computer maker's pages to see if any of them have anything available.

I did find this, but please be careful and read all instructions before trying anything.
http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?c ... ufactor=18
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Postby SkaarjMaster on Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:21 am

Have you tried disabling all the Autorun and Autoplay features for that particular CD drive?
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Postby CCampbell on Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:38 pm

Hi Stingray,

You've recieved suggestions that should have resolve your issue if the problem were only between Nero 5 and Windows XP Burner feature.

Disabeling the IMAPI would rule out a conflict between Nero 5 and the XP burner engin. (As long as you are sure you disabled IMAPI :-) )

Do you or did you every have any other Recording programs installed on your system at one time?

If you do, what programs do you have?

If you did, what programs were they, and did you run the Nero 'Registry Checker, and Driver cleaner tool'? You can find the link to this tool below...

http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/us/Driver_Cle ... ecker.html

I do vaguely remember that with Nero 5 and XP there had been a program that would intermitantly cause this problem, and an occasional read verify failure after a write. But I'm drawing a blank on the name of the program. It wasn't DVD Decryptor, AnyDVD, or DVD Shrink, but I think it was one of the programs along that line. But it's been too long for my memory to be accurate on this point. :(


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Postby stingray on Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:41 pm

Re: The instructions for disabling Windows XP's built-in burning engine:

1. Click Start -> Run. type gpedit.msc and click OK.

I did this but the program gpedit.msc does not exist on my PC! Are these instructions correct?

I do have "Power DVD" installed but it has never caused problems before so I would discount this.

I had to install a new hard disk at the same time as the Win XP reinstall - could this be the reason for the unexpected behaviou? (I upgraded from a Toshiba MK6021GAS 60MB drive to a MK 6025GAS 60MB drive)?

I don't see any reason to use the Nero system cleaner since it was a fresh reinstall and therefore there are no software remnants on the drive.

One other thing. This also affect In CD to some extent. When I insert a CD-RW the first time it will be recognised correctly as a CD-RW by In CD. But if I eject it then re-insert, it is opened as a CD-R which can only be accessed by the native Win XP burning engine. If I eject it yet again and re-insert it it will be recognised again by In CD as a CD-RW. Curious.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:00 am

stingray wrote:Re: The instructions for disabling Windows XP's built-in burning engine:

1. Click Start -> Run. type gpedit.msc and click OK.

I did this but the program gpedit.msc does not exist on my PC! Are these instructions correct?

I do have "Power DVD" installed but it has never caused problems before so I would discount this.

I had to install a new hard disk at the same time as the Win XP reinstall - could this be the reason for the unexpected behaviou? (I upgraded from a Toshiba MK6021GAS 60MB drive to a MK 6025GAS 60MB drive)?

I don't see any reason to use the Nero system cleaner since it was a fresh reinstall and therefore there are no software remnants on the drive.

1. are you running Windows XP Pro or Windows XP Home?
2. check C:\WINDOWS\system32, that's where gpedit.msc is located on my system.
3. if you can't find gpedit.msc, then do the other things mentioned in the FAQ:
right click the drive in My Computer, Properties, Recording tab, uncheck "Enable CD recording on this drive" checkbox.
and disable the IMAPI sercvice.

i don't see how PowerDVD or a new hard drive should matter.
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Postby CCampbell on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:52 pm

It's not a conflict with PowerDVD, as we've done extensive testing with various DVD Player software, including Power DVD, and have never encountered this, nor has any customers ever reporte issues with PowerDVD and our software.

At this point, we really need to make sure that the IMAPI has been disabled before we can move forward as that is a known issue with Nero 5 and InCD.


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Postby stingray on Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:21 pm

I disabled IMAPI and it made absolutely no difference. The problem is that this does not stop the disk being read (or copied from) using the native Win XP "CD -R reading" software which is causing the conflict.

The best workaround is as follows:
  1. Close all applications including Nero.
  2. Insert (Nero format) CD-R. Allow it to spin up. If set to automatically display contents, close the window after it opens.
  3. Run Nero. Click on "create data CD".
  4. WAIT! It will take at least half a minute but it will eventually work.
  5. Copy using Nero as usual.

This delay is acceptable to me. Copying is 100% reliable (in 3 years of operation) so the wait is worth it.

BTW. To disable ITAPI using Win XP home edition:
Go to Control Panel > Administrative tools >Services.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:36 pm

did you disable the CD burning capability of WinXP as described in the FAQ ? i mean the bit with gpedit.msc (can you even do that with WinXP Home ?)

are you sure DMA is enabled for your drive? (there's a FAQ about that too)
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