I have had Liteon 451S dvd burner for almost a year and been very satisfied with it. But lately a problem occurred since my dvd player couldnt play my new discs well. Stuttering and artifacts appeared and I started to investigate.
Here is Kprobe2 image of Ridisc G05 disc which my samsung 935 dvd player is having troubles with. Btw store said that these are G04 discs but Kprobe2 says Ritek G05 dye.
And here is a picture from Arita Ritek G04:
Nero speedtest with Ridisc G05:

Those G05 error rates seem quite big but Iam no expert on Kprobe2 results. Could that kinda error rates on G05 cause my dvd player problems to play the disc?
I reacently upgraded my 451S firmware to the latest GSB09 so that shouldnt be the problem. Could this just be bad patch of discs or does my liteon just suck in writing Ritek G05 ??
Looking at these pictures, Iam beginning to wonder if LG GSA-4160B would be better on burning Ritek G05 dye discs, any opinions?