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Clearly my liteon 451S hates Ritek G05 ?! :(


Clearly my liteon 451S hates Ritek G05 ?! :(

Postby Alarmer on Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:12 pm

Hello there.

I have had Liteon 451S dvd burner for almost a year and been very satisfied with it. But lately a problem occurred since my dvd player couldnt play my new discs well. Stuttering and artifacts appeared and I started to investigate.

Here is Kprobe2 image of Ridisc G05 disc which my samsung 935 dvd player is having troubles with. Btw store said that these are G04 discs but Kprobe2 says Ritek G05 dye.


And here is a picture from Arita Ritek G04:

Nero speedtest with Ridisc G05:

Those G05 error rates seem quite big but Iam no expert on Kprobe2 results. Could that kinda error rates on G05 cause my dvd player problems to play the disc?

I reacently upgraded my 451S firmware to the latest GSB09 so that shouldnt be the problem. Could this just be bad patch of discs or does my liteon just suck in writing Ritek G05 ??

Looking at these pictures, Iam beginning to wonder if LG GSA-4160B would be better on burning Ritek G05 dye discs, any opinions?
Last edited by Alarmer on Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MediumRare on Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:07 pm

A couple of remarks about your KProbe scans:
  • the scanning speed affects the error counts reported. Most people prefer to scan @4x (CLV) for various reasons I don't want to get into here. :wink:
  • the isolated spikes you see are usually artifacts from the chipset and should be ignored.
  • pay more attention to the PIF count than PI. I've found variations of a factor of 5 in PI on repeated scans of the same disc
  • there is an option for saving the scan results (click on the diskette image in the menu bar)- you don't have to use a screen capture. And please save the images as PNG's, not JPG's- they're much smaller and better for this kind of image.

That being said, LiteOn burners don't like DVD-R media (I use + media almost exclusively). I can't really tell (because you scanned @max), but your Arita results seem OK. It'd be useful if you rescanned @4x.

Also, a further test is the transfer rate test using CD-DVD-Speed. This is part of the Nero Toolkit or can be downloaded dirwectly from the author (EriK Deppe): http://www.cdspeed2000.com/. A good disk should give you a smooth curve without significant dips.

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Postby Alarmer on Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:16 pm

Thanks for the tips, I corrected the pictures according to your advice. Now the G05 error rate seems to be even more bigger.

One thing is weird, my computer liteon disc reads this Ridisc G05 movie just fine, but my Samsung HD935 normal player is having tough time with it (stutter and artifacts) guess HD935 is just worse reader than my burner.

I just ordered loads of Arita 8x G05 discs (before I did these tests) and now Iam bit confused. If the error rate is this big with those new discs aswell Iam considering to buy another dvd-rw drive.

I was thinking of LG GSA-4160B dual layer burner. Any opinions should that drive be better in burning Ritek G05 dvd-r discs?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:30 pm

LiteON drives are rather forgiving when it comes to high error rates and high jitter/beta rates... so probably your DVD Player is not as forgiving that way.

I'm not sure why some people like to scan at 4x on LiteONs.... Personally, I think you had it right the first time. But I've also been known to concede to 4x scanning to please certain people :wink:

The LG 4160B is only able to burn G05 media at 4x. I haven't seen any really good burn results for that media yet though... from ANY drive. Even when the scans look good, the DVD Speed graphs are always flawed.

I suggest that whatever drive you use to burn this media, stick with 4x burning speeds.
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Postby Alarmer on Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:38 pm

Thank you for such fast replying, this is really newbie friendly forum :)

Media here in Finland is really expensive and the shop I have ordered media has mostly Ritek discs. If there is other media that is considered better than Ritek G0* discs and similiarry priced do tell :)

The second scan with 4x speed is definetly much worse than the first one with max speed.

Comparing to Cdrlabs review results my G05 scores seem really bad. One question remains. Can the burn quality be different with the same dye but different manufacturer?

I mean if I example have Ridisc G05 and Arita G05 can the end result be much different with the same burner?

It is just difficult to accept that Arita G04 gives so much better burning quality compared to newer and "better" Ridisc G05.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:55 pm

Well, Ritek is known for their variable media quality... but what confuses me is that Arita is Ritek's 'B Grade' Brand name... so all Arita media is going to be 'B Grade' stock. This might mean that RiDisc is even lower grade media... or that variations in Ritek's quality have just gotten THAT bad. I could believe either scenario.

Unfortunatly, I don't really know too many places in Finland to buy blank media, sorry!

Regarding the quick responses... please see my signiture :wink:
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Postby Alarmer on Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:08 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Well, Ritek is known for their variable media quality... but what confuses me is that Arita is Ritek's 'B Grade' Brand name... so all Arita media is going to be 'B Grade' stock. This might mean that RiDisc is even lower grade media... or that variations in Ritek's quality have just gotten THAT bad. I could believe either scenario.

Unfortunatly, I don't really know too many places in Finland to buy blank media, sorry!

Regarding the quick responses... please see my signiture :wink:

I should have founded this place earlier. I have no idea which is good brand and which is not. :)

I have ordered my media from England mostly, so ordering abroad is no problem for me. If somebody could point to a place where I can learn more about good media brands I would be most grateful.

Writing some good and common brands here in this thread and places where to get em would be nice too. :D

Just checked it out and seems that in Finland most commonly saled burners are Liteon and LG. I understand newest liteon drivers arent very good quality so it leaves LG. Sony and Plextor are sold in fewer places but Plextor isnt exactly cheap and I have no knowledge about Sonys latest drives.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:56 pm

Hrm... you could try here for discs maybe?

http://www.blankdiscshop.co.uk/acatalog ... _HERE.html

I suggest looking at DVD+R media for your LiteON... ricohjpnR01 code media if possible.
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Postby eric93se on Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:20 pm

Personally I'll NEVER buy ritek/ridata media EVER again :D
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Postby Bhairav on Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:03 pm

DV3129 on that page Dolph linked looks nice :wink:
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Postby Alarmer on Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:48 am

Thanks for the tips , most apriciated :D

Ill give Ricoh a try next time, but might try that newest LG drive too, I have quite a pile of these Ritek G05 discs laying around :-?
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Postby Alarmer on Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:16 pm

Damit my blind eyes.

I was in a hurry and bought LG 4120B burner and it was quite a shock that Kprobe2 didint work with it :(

Can you recomend alternative program which is good to test dvd write quality?
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:38 pm

i don't think there is any similar program that works with LG drives.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:40 pm

Alarmer wrote:Damit my blind eyes.

I was in a hurry and bought LG 4120B burner and it was quite a shock that Kprobe2 didint work with it :(

Can you recomend alternative program which is good to test dvd write quality?

The best you can do is a transfer rate test with Nero CD/DVD Speed...
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