This has got to be the most boring time of the year for people like me. Sure the presents and the parties and the all night sleepovers with pretty ladies are great... but all my regular contacts are M.I.A.
My contact at Maxell took boxing week off (that's the week starting Dec 26th for you non-Canadians/non-Europeans), and now is in Vegas for CES (although he's told me he'll be checking e-mail)
My contact at Optodisc... actually pretty much *ALL* of Optodisc is going to CES tomorrow.
Verbatim is also busy prep'ing for CES
BenQ is not replying to e-mails, and the last response I got was short and something along the lines of "sorry, we're really busy right now". I'm sure it's Christmas, New Years and/or CES related
Even my more unmentionable contacts are more unmentionable then usual (more unmentionable since there is in fact, nothing to mention )
Anyone else wishing they were at CES?