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Cendyne Lighting III @ Staples on 11-29-02, is it a Liteon?

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Cendyne Lighting III @ Staples on 11-29-02, is it a Liteon?

Postby had1 on Mon Dec 02, 2002 9:49 pm

I picked one up for $9.98 after MIR, but the spec. sheet on the back of the box didn't have the normal LTR/40128S drive model number, it was blank? The older versions were in a red box these were in a white box? Did anyone else get one of these and opened it up to see what brand it is?Help!! :-?
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Postby pki on Fri Dec 06, 2002 7:26 pm

I almost bought one, but when I saw that the serial number on the box was not a LiteOn serial number, I handed it back to the salesman. I'm guessing it might be an AOpen drive. :-?
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