It's hard to believe that has been around for more than 5 years. While many other publications have come and gone during this time, we've stuck to our goals, providing a continuous stream of news and reviews to the optical storage community.
In celebration of our 5th birthday, we are offering a new ad-free subscription-based service. For a low monthly or yearly fee, can be viewed without the annoying ad banners. This subscription service also gives members access to a special section of the forum and benefits like a larger attachment quota.
As our introductory price, we will be offering the following subscription options:
* $1/month subscriptions, with the option of auto-renewing
* $10/year subscriptions, with the option of auto-renewing
For instructions on how to subscribe, please see this forum thread.
Those that donated in the previous months will be given free subscriptions. For those donators whose PayPal email address does not match their forum email address, please keep an eye out for an email from us. We will be contacting those donators by email.