nosro wrote:I didn't find anything searching the forum archives, but I am wondering if it is possible or desirable to reflash my Lite-On LTR-48246S drive to TDK firmware. What would be the advantages or disadvantages?
Also, can I reflash it to 52x24x52 specs? Are the 52x and 48x drives mechanically identical except for firmware?
Sorry for the newbie questions. Thanks.
1) you can flash your drive upwards (52x24x52x) or sideways to another 48x24x48x.
2) You'll need a program called MTKFlash to flash it upwards and possibly sideways. You can always flash it backwards to your present firmware (as long as you backed up your firmware
BEFORE you try flashing it the 1st time).
Disadvantages: voiding your warranty, dead drive if you screw it up (but it can be recovered).
Advantages: flashing upwards to 52x gains about 4 whole seconds over a 48x burn. It may also have better media compatability (may not too).
You can read more about MTKFlash here:
MTKFlash has it's own sticky thread.
If you read the rest of the posts, you'll see numerous others who are thinking about doing it too.