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Re-burning VCDs with disc errors.

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Re-burning VCDs with disc errors.

Postby Demogorgo on Fri Aug 15, 2003 6:50 am

I recently upgraded my CD-R drive, and since I can see that my old drive burned with ERRORS OUT THE ASS, I now know why my DVD player skips frames on my VCDs.

My CD-ROM drive can extract files from a CD with lots of C1/C2 errors, but since VCDs are burned using Mode 2, I can't rely on the discs own parity. I need a way to re-burn these discs using the VCD format's own error correction that I hear so much about. How on earth do I do this? Is it even possible? Is the data permanently lost?
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Postby Inertia on Sun Aug 17, 2003 6:21 pm

There is no higher level error correction with the ISO Mode 2 Form 2 format used with VCD, but it still contains the basic CIRC error correction used by all audio and data modes.

If errors on your VCDs are uncorrectable at the basic CIRC level, then the data is permanently lost due to the lack of additional error correction.

The effectiveness of the basic error correction is related to the ability of a reading device to correct errors. As long as errors are correctable, it may help to rerecord an older disc using the best available reader to extract the information. Uncorrectable errors will remain, but the overall error quality of the recording may be improved.
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