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Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support


Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby dedolphin on Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:39 pm

In looking to get an external dvd writer with dvd-ram cartridge support, I came across the following link by CDRlabs http://www.cdrlabs.com/News/buffalo-ann ... pport.html for a writer made by Buffalo. In trying to buy a unit, I found that they are not offered in the U.S. I was told by Buffalo that even if I bought one from Japan, it wouldn't be supported in the U.S. I found another site that had an external Panasonic unit for $239 which is too much considering the cost of a brand new computer. My use will be to copy shows from a Panasonic DVD writer with dvd-ram cartridge support that record shows from TV, mostly PBS, to give to friends on DVD-R using my computer. Does anyone have any ideas where I can get a good unit at a decent price?
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Re: Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby Ian on Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:31 pm

Is there any reason why you need to use the cartridges? In a lot of cases, you can remove the disks from the cartridge, which can then be read by a standard DVD writer.
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Re: Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby dedolphin on Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:11 pm

To answer Ian, a cartridge makes things easier by keeping the disk clean. I thought if a company made a dvd recorder/player with dvd-ram cartridge ability, I though an external dvd writer with the same ability would be a foregone conclusion. I thought dvd-ram was a good idea. I don't know whether dvd-ram is an idea that didn't catch on yet or something that came and went quickly. I read it is a standard thing in Europe. According to the CDRLabs article, there is demand in Japan.

Why would one have an article about a product without the ability to get one?
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Re: Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby Ian on Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:05 am

DVD-RAM was the first recordable DVD technology. It's still pretty popular in Japan and to a lesser degree Europe, but never really caught on in the US. Those that do use it, don't use the cartridges anymore. I think that Buffalo/Panasonic drive was for those with a lot of old cartridge-based DVD-RAM discs and that needed to read the data off of them.

If you really want that drive, you can get one from Meritline for $139.

http://www.meritline.com/panasonic-sw-9 ... 22227.aspx
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Re: Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby dedolphin on Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:16 pm

The drive from meritline seems to be an internal dvd drive. In reading the forums on this web site on dvd writers, I came away thinking messing with enclosures has its own do's and don't. As a ex-programmer and getting burnt relying on sales talk, I tend to be cautious when people don't talk about any pitfalls.
I had bought a HP 1170E external dvd driver and just might have to adapt by taking the dvd-ram out of the cartridge to use in the drive. Since I never used one with dvd-ram before, is there a preference between using the 4.8 GB(one sides) or 9.6 GB (two sides) dvd-ram disc? Besides keeping the sides of the double sided disc straight and only being able to write to one side at one time, are there any other things that might be nice to be cue in on.

Ian, I noticed you are from Madison. In trying to add that I am from Milwaukee to my profile, I don't get an opportunity to do so. Is this related to the 4 groups that you "tagged" to instead of the one, register users, that I am "tagged" to?
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Re: Buffalo DVD Writer with DVD-Ram cartridge support

Postby Ian on Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:55 pm

Yeah, the chipsets used to in external cases used to be pretty bad. There are still issues with some motherboard chipsets but if you're only going to write at 16x, it probably won't be an issue.

Location doesn't show up under User Control Panel->Profile? If not, send me a PM and I'll look into it. Also, I emailed you back about changing your user name.
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