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Best Buy Deals 04/13-04/19

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Best Buy Deals 04/13-04/19

Postby aviationwiz on Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:32 am

Digital Research 52x24x52 External USB 2.0 CD-RW Drive

$79.99 After Mail-In Rebates
$30 MIR, $20 MIR

TDK 100-Pack 48x CD-R Disc Spindle

$9.99 after Instant and Mail-In Rebates
$5 Instant Rebate, $5 MIR

Fuji 50-Pack CD-R Disc Spindle

$4.99 after Instant and Mail-In Rebates
$3 Instant Rebate, $8 MIR, $4 MIR
*Not necesarily 16x. Check local store for speeds. Common speeds in stores are 40x and 48x.

Maxtor 40.0GB Internal Hard Drive

$44.99 after Mail-In Rebates
$30 MIR, $15 MIR

Maxtor 120.0GB Internal Hard Drive with 8 MB Buffer

$109.99 after Price Drop and Mail-In Rebates
$40 Price Drop, $30 MIR, $20 MIR

Microsoft Optical Mouse Blue

$19.99 after Mail-In Rebate
$10 MIR

Verbatim 4X Internal DVD+R/RW CD-RW Drive
No Picture Availible

$229.99 After Instant and Mail-In Rebates
$40 Instant Rebate, $30 MIR

Fuji Combo 10-Pack DVD+R and DVD+RW Discs with Jewel Cases

$19.99 after Instant and Mail-In Rebates
$14 Instant Rebate, $6 MIR

ATI RADEON 9500 PRO 128MB DDR AGP Graphics Card

$199.99 after Mail-In Rebate
$20 MIR

Norcent 52x24x52 Internal CD-RW Drive

$19.99 after Mail-In Rebates
$20 MIR, $30 MIR

K-Byte 512MB PC2700 DDR DIMM Memory

$39.99 after Mail-In Rebate
$35 MIR
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Postby DOGSNOT on Mon Apr 14, 2003 7:10 pm

The TDK 100 pack is actually $34.99 - $5.00 instant - $15.00 mir - $5.00 mir = $9.99 or at least thats the deal where i live.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:10 pm

DOGSNOT wrote:The TDK 100 pack is actually $34.99 - $5.00 instant - $15.00 mir - $5.00 mir = $9.99 or at least thats the deal where i live.

Same here for Cali.
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Postby cfitz on Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:38 pm

Has anybody bought those TDK's? The last spindle I bought was Ritek, but the package in the picture looks CMC-ish.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:07 pm

I picked up 2 packs last nite. I don't have a way to tell who made those disks. I think I should have gotten the jenson disks at circuit city. those disks any good.
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Postby cfitz on Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:33 pm

DOGSNOT wrote:I picked up 2 packs last nite. I don't have a way to tell who made those disks. I think I should have gotten the jenson disks at circuit city. those disks any good.

Put one in your CD-RW drive, start Nero CD Speed, and select "Extra"->"Disc Info...". Or download the SMARTBURN utility from LiteOn, or get CDRIdentifier, or check what CD Doctor has to say, etc. 8)

I was thinking about those Jensen discs as well.

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Postby CowboySlim on Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:14 pm

I got those Jensens at Circuit City last summer. No problems that I noticed.

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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:43 pm

You all should have gotten those Fujis. Thats what I did. I picked up another 50 of them. (I have like 250 total now.)
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Postby cfitz on Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:08 pm

aviationwiz wrote:You all should have gotten those Fujis.

I don't want to put all of my CD-R eggs in the cyanine basket.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:20 pm

If i use cd speed to look at atip, it shows nothing. using the smart burn tool, it shows unknown. :roll:
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:28 pm

DOGSNOT wrote:If i use cd speed to look at atip, it shows nothing. using the smart burn tool, it shows unknown. :roll:

Did you put it in your CD-RW drive? Don't put it in your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. If you still don't see anything with it in your CD-RW drive, then you must have "Hide CD-R" set on CloneCD, Alcohol, etc. Temporarily disable that option, and then you will be able to see the ATIP information.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:57 pm

I guess we're in the wrong forum, but here it goes. I am putting the cd in the rw drive. I do run clone cd with hide cdr media. but I don't run it in the background. I did at one time. I really don't think that this could cause the problem. could it? I'm not sure, I guess i could disable hide cdr media and try it.
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:12 pm

DOGSNOT wrote:I really don't think that this could cause the problem. could it?

It absolutely could and does. That is the point of it, in fact. It hides the ATIP information so a copied game doesn't know that it is being executed from a CD-R. Some games include so-called ATIP protection, and refuse to execute if they can read ATIP information and thus determine that they are being run from a CD-R.

DOGSNOT wrote:I'm not sure, I guess i could disable hide cdr media and try it.

Yes, please do so.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:21 pm

But i am not running ccd on the sys tray. Do you think that it hides cdr media even when it's not running?
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Postby cfitz on Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:49 pm

I don't own CloneCD, so I can't say what all it loads on startup (e.g. system drivers). But it may well load something that runs regardless of what is showing in the system tray. Sometimes an item in the system tray is just used as the control interface for another process. So try disabling Hide CD-R Media, it will only take an instant.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:31 pm

I disabled hide cdr media and it still wouldn't read atip, even after reboot. but i have another pc that it will read an atip. those TDK's are CMC. thanks for the help. I guess i will have to keep the other pc around to read disk info.
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Postby cfitz on Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:36 pm

DOGSNOT wrote:I disabled hide cdr media and it still wouldn't read atip, even after reboot.

You must have something going on in there that is hiding the ATIP information. Did you ever install Alchohol 120% or daemon tools or any similar software designed to break copy protection?

DOGSNOT wrote:those TDK's are CMC

Ah, as I suspected. :( Thanks for the confirmation.

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Postby DOGSNOT on Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:59 pm

I have all of the mentioned software installed on said pc. I can live with another pc on the network. Just means i can get more done in less time.
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Postby cfitz on Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:08 pm

I stopped by Best Buy this evening, and found that the 100-pack of TDK discs they are selling at my local store are made by Ritek:

Code: Select all
     Disc Type, Material = CD-R, Phthalocyanine
            ATIP Lead-in = 97m 15s 17f
       Norminal Capacity = 702.82MB (79m 59s 70f)
Disc Manufacturer maybe = RiTEK,TG           
  SMART-BURN Speed Limit = 48X

Look for a black base and a sharp edge at the top of clear plastic case as shown in the photo posted by aviationwiz to get CMC discs like DOGSNOT got. Look for a gray base and a rounded edge at the top of the clear plastic case to get Ritek discs like I got.

Burn quality is very good although, as ever, not as good as TY: :wink:


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Postby DOGSNOT on Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:43 pm

I only backup music and movies on low quality media such as CMC, since it really doesn't make much difference. I use higher quality media like Verbatum DLP for any software I may need to backup.
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Postby DOGSNOT on Tue May 20, 2003 9:49 am

The problem I was having was only due to the fact that i had installed CloneCd. I had turned off hide cdr media and even closed the program, but only after a complete un-install of CloneCd was i able to get this function to work.

Thanks for all the help everone.
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