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Best Buy Deals From 6/22 To 6/28

Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:52 am

Highlights of the Week

Fuji 700MB 48x CD-R Spindle 50-Pack
$4.99 After MIR HOT!

Fuji 2.4x DVD+R Spindle 50-Pack
$74.99 After MIR

Verbatim 52x24x52 Internal CD-RW Drive
$19.99 After MIR HOT!
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Postby cfitz on Sun Jun 22, 2003 12:44 pm

These also may be of interest:

100-pack TDK 48x 80-minute CD-R: $9.99 after MIRs

50-pack thin jewel cases: $4.99 after MIR

HP DVD 300i 4x DVD+R/+RW internal IDE writer: $249.99. Final price is $200 if you count the included instant $50 gift card (good on future purchases only).

Western Digital special edition (8 MiByte cache) 80 GByte hard drive: $79.99 after MIR. Final price is $50 if you count the included mail-in $30 gift card (good on future purchases only).

These gift cards are a somewhat new phenomenon at Best Buy. The instant ones are better than mail-in-rebates in one way because you walk out the store with the card in your hand and don't have to worry about being stiffed by the rebate fulfillment house. On the other hand, they are good only at Best Buy, and can only be used in-store (no on-line purchases). These may be limitations for people who don't do much shopping at Best Buy. I also wouldn't be surprised if these cards lose some or all of their value after a fairly limited time.

As for the gift cards you receive by mail, they combine the worst of both worlds. :evil:

Has anyone received one of these gift cards and can report how long they hold their value and any other restrictions they may have?

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Re: Best Buy Deals From 6/22 To 6/28

Postby jjones on Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:28 pm

I know www.bestbuy.com is re-doing their website so they are not accepting online orders, but what is the sale price of the Fuji 50-pack CDR's? On the website it lists a $17.99 price with a $8 MIR which would make a final price of $9.99

BuddhaTB wrote:Highlights of the Week

Fuji 700MB 48x CD-R Spindle 50-Pack
$4.99 After MIR HOT!

Fuji 2.4x DVD+R Spindle 50-Pack
$74.99 After MIR

Verbatim 52x24x52 Internal CD-RW Drive
$19.99 After MIR HOT!
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Postby BillyG on Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:34 pm

My Best Buy print ad says

(Update: corrected the prices. Sorry for the confusion)

$17.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $12.99
- $8 Mail-In Rebate = $4.99 final

A great deal on the best major label CD-R's available.

For the TDK 100 Pack (CMC or Ritek)

$37.99 - $8 Instant Rebate = $29.99
- $15 Mail-in Rebate - $5 Mail-in Rebate = $9.99 final
Last edited by BillyG on Wed Jun 25, 2003 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:48 pm

cfitz wrote:These also may be of interest:

...These gift cards are a somewhat new phenomenon at Best Buy. The instant ones are better than mail-in-rebates in one way because you walk out the store with the card in your hand and don't have to worry about being stiffed by the rebate fulfillment house. On the other hand, they are good only at Best Buy, and can only be used in-store (no on-line purchases). These may be limitations for people who don't do much shopping at Best Buy. I also wouldn't be surprised if these cards lose some or all of their value after a fairly limited time.

As for the gift cards you receive by mail, they combine the worst of both worlds. :evil:

Has anyone received one of these gift cards and can report how long they hold their value and any other restrictions they may have?


The gift cards normally hold value for at least a year or two. Then Best Buy (and some other merchants) begin charging a fee to retain the value of the card, like $1 or so.

However, in California, the legislature has deemed this illegal, so gift cards never lose their value.
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Postby vinnie97 on Tue Jun 24, 2003 3:26 am

$19.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $12.99
- $8 Mail-In Rebate = $4.99 final

The math doesn't add up. :-?
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Postby rmdir on Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:23 am

vinnie97 wrote:
$19.99 - $5 Instant Rebate = $12.99
- $8 Mail-In Rebate = $4.99 final

The math doesn't add up. :-?

Maybe he's an ex Enron accountant?
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Postby cfitz on Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:49 am

UALOneKPlus wrote:The gift cards normally hold value for at least a year or two. Then Best Buy (and some other merchants) begin charging a fee to retain the value of the card, like $1 or so.

Thanks UALOneKPlus.

vinnie97 wrote:The math doesn't add up. :-?

The starting price is $17.99, not $19.99.

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