by treemana on Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:18 am
The guide is correct.
Let's say that backup #1 is a "Full Backup".
Then, a few days later, you perform backup #2 as an "Incremental Backup". In this case backup #2 will only include files that have changed or been added since backup #1.
Now, a few days later, you perform backup #3 as a "Differential Backup". In this case backup #3 will include files that have changed or been added since backup #1 (the last full backup).
But, if backup #3 was an "Incremental Backup", it would have only looked back to backup #2 to determine which files to backup.
So, ...
Differential backups always look back to the most recent "Full Backup" to determine which files to backup.
Incremental backups only look back to the most recent backup "Full or Incremental".
I hope that helps.
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure...