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Backing up audio-CDs with Blindwrite

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Backing up audio-CDs with Blindwrite

Postby Isotonik on Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:06 pm

I've been backing the most valuable audio CDs in my collection with Blindwrite. The backups have been 'perfect', ie. I cannot hear any pops or clicks in the copies.

This question has been bothering me. When I rip the music from a CD to mp3-format, EAC shows both test and copy CRCs.

Question: If I rip both the copy and the original, should the CRCs be identical, ie. the CRC from the track 1 from the orginal CD is identical to the CRC value that results from ripping track one from the copy.

Thanx 4 your help, I have not found any answer to this question. :-?
Buffer Underrun
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