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Athlon xp 2400+ or Barton 2500

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Athlon xp 2400+ or Barton 2500

Postby rider66 on Fri May 23, 2003 3:03 pm


I need to get a CPU which will run on an ASUS A7N8X deluxe and I need to decide between the xp 2400 or the barton 2500.
I know the barton is 333FSB , 1.8MHZ (less than 2.0 on the 2400) but it is more expensive too.
Does it worth the price?
Which is the best option?

Moreover I was thinking in two DDR 512/333 because I have read that the system I will set would work better with 333 than 400 ddr memories.

Any advice will be very appreciated

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Postby CignaXI on Fri May 23, 2003 5:36 pm

Which revision is your mobo?

Go to this website there is plenty of info there:

About the memorie you can buy 400 and then underclock it but that doesn't make much sense ...... I ask you about the mobo revision because the memory performance sometimes depends on which revision you have and on the memory modules. Many people recommend Corsair TwinX 3200 or the Corsair PC2700LL.

If I were you I will wait a little more since cpus prices are expected to drop soon, that is if your are not in a hurry.

This won't help too much but if you want check this out too:
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Postby Boone on Sat May 24, 2003 9:04 am

the bartons have 2x the cache from the standard XPs (512K instead of 256K). They're probably worth the slightly extra $$. I just build a budget-minded PC for my brother, and used the 2200+ since it is 1.8GHz and only $72 from newegg. Great price for an above average processor.
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Postby CignaXI on Sun May 25, 2003 2:03 am

Don't know if you saw it already but Boba_Fett posted that newegg has the 2500 for $96 the 2400 $90. The difference between 2.0GHz and 1.8GHz aint much (200MHz) go with the 2500 with more cache and a higher bus.


PS: Still if you can, wait a little more since prices may drop more.
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Sun May 25, 2003 9:24 pm

Boone wrote:the bartons have 2x the cache from the standard XPs (512K instead of 256K). They're probably worth the slightly extra $$. I just build a budget-minded PC for my brother, and used the 2200+ since it is 1.8GHz and only $72 from newegg. Great price for an above average processor.

Actually, it is better than that, the cache is a 512K + another smaller cache to bring the total up to 640K cache. THat is why the AMD XP 3000+ Barton Outperformed the P4 3.06 GHZ in a PC world Benchmark. (Though i dont think the benchmark used the P4 Hyperthreading)
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