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ASUS Unveils Four New 22x DVD Writers


ASUS Unveils Four New 22x DVD Writers

Postby Ian on Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:08 am

ASUS has updated their website to include information on four new 22x DVD writers. The list of specifications don't seem to be complete yet but here's the breakdown so far:

DRW-22B1S (PATA) - http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=6& ... odelmenu=1
DRW-22B1ST (SATA) - http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=6& ... odelmenu=1
DRW-22B1L (PATA & LightScribe) - http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=6& ... odelmenu=1
DRW-22B1LT (SATA & LightScribe) - http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=6& ... odelmenu=1

Multi Function: (X MULTI+LightScribe)
- Max. 22X DVDR/ 8X DVD+RW/ 6X DVD-RW/12X DVDR (DL) Write
- Max. 48X CD-R/ 32X CD-RW Write
- Max. 16X DVD-ROM/ 48X CD-ROM Read
- Max: 12X DVD-RAM Write/12X DVD-RAM Read br>

Energy Green Engine(E-green)
The innovative E-Green Engine technology features an E-Green Mode that automatically closes drive applications when not in use to help conserve energy - helping the environment by decreasing CO2 emissions and reducing the depletion of trees.

Optimal Tuning Strategy(OTS)
Automatic Adjustments for Optimum Disc Backup with OTS. The advantage of OTS:
- Cover both media and drive variations as well as operating temperature.
- Optimal write speed detection.
- Total write quality improvement.
- Extend the lifetime of drives: OTS is capable of produce the most suitable and write quality improvement.
- Reduce the possibility to burn unplayable disks.
- Reduce disc coaster

Auto Vibration Reducing System (AVRS)
The AVRS technology is designed to minimize the vibration caused by the spindle motor and resonance between components as well as the drive and PC cases. AVRS is designed to reduce vibration and noise induced by unbalanced mass of rotating machinery. With AVRS, ASUS DRW-22B1L provides high readability and playability.
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