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Arita = Ritek?


Arita = Ritek?

Postby BurninMan921 on Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:07 pm

Newegg has Arita DVD+R's listed under the Ritek brand. Are these really Riteks? Are they any good? Because they have a 100 pack for $99, and they're 4x discs (which are out of stock, though) and 2.4x one's for $86.50.

If these are pretty good then I'll be ordering some as soon as they come in...and hopefully they'll burn at 8x (w/Optorite DD0401)...
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Postby RJW on Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:34 pm

Arrita is a homebrand of the factory's of ritek just like.

Ridata (A quality brand)
Traxdata (european companny bought up by Ritek)
Arrita (Orriginally this was the B quality brand. But not any more these days !)
Primedisc(which is joint venture of Ritek and Philips and has there factories in germany)

Now the +R Arrita's come in to different versions.
The one with the RICOH mid codes which is good media and the ones with
Ritek mid codes. Both are made in the same factory.

Now the point is that ones with the Ritek mid codes are less good supported by most burners which means lower burning quality.
Also the ritek versions seems to have bigger variations in disc quality.

If they have Riteks mid codes it won't be a good idea to burn on them at 8x. At least so far the data seems to show that you will sacrifice much of the burnquality for speed.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:51 pm

Thanks for the info; if I get them I'll keep them at 4x...
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Postby jase on Tue Dec 09, 2003 3:43 pm

Careful with the Arita media. I have seen some Arita discs that are overprints. The quality of these is inconsistent and I tend to avoid them if I can. Make sure they aren't overprint discs.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:51 pm

jase, what do you mean by an "overprint disc"?

I'll probably just stick to actual Ritek-branded discs, since several people are reporting that they burn great at 8x...
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Postby jase on Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:03 am

An "overprint" is a disc which failed QA because the printed label was not done properly, ie smudged, incomplete, incorrect etc etc. The manufacturer lets these discs out by printing over the top with another design.

They'll work, but many have scratches and other imperfections. Also the balance and thickness of the media can be shot this way as they often use a layer of thick black ink over the original logo to completely obscure it.

Unless they're much cheaper (read 50% cheaper) I won't touch them.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:52 pm

Ok, thanks for the info! I'll avoid these then...
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