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Anyone Remember Sony's 1.3GB Double Density CD Media?

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Anyone Remember Sony's 1.3GB Double Density CD Media?

Postby Ian on Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:21 pm

I was going through some stuff in the basement and I found some of Sony's Double Density CD-R and CD-RW media. These worked with Sony's CRX200E CD-RW drive. Sadly, no one wanted to license this proprietary technology from Sony so it never took off.

Now if I could just find some of that super rare recordable HD-DVD-R media I have stashed somewhere...

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Re: Anyone Remember Sony's 1.3GB Double Density CD Media?

Postby Dartman on Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:41 pm

Well trying to find a HD DVD recorder should be about as hard as finding the media for one. I still have a bunch of those movies and the LG combo drive that could read them plus a Samsung A2 player I got when Circuit City was blowing them out cheap.
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