Luckily I was not alone in this endeavour. I was joined by my friend and his G/F , and one of my lady friends also. We were originally going to leave really early in the morning, and get to Bestbuy at 4am on Sunday... but my friend's G/F got an msn message from her friend who worked at that Bestbuy, who said when he left work at 10pm, there was already a line of 30+ people, and they only had 44 units in total! So we grabbed as much snack food as we could, bundled up warm, and headed out to our destiny. We got to Bestbuy at about 11:45pm Saturday, and joined a growing lineup. In total, about 50 people ended up in line for a Wii (not including everyone's friends not there to actually BUY a Wii). So some people were sadly turned away. I was number 36 of 44 when the final counting was done.
Let me just say that the Nintendo Wii is all things to all men, and maybe some very lucky ladies
So we played Wii Sports 4 playered, which was awesome. Tennis (especially 4 playered tennis) bowling and golf were all INCREDIBLY well done. I also picked up Rayman, and though I didn't get a chance to play it personally yet, I let my friend play it and it was really REALLY fun looking as well. It's amazing how intuitive the control is.
So now I can proudly say that people can come over and play with my Wii