I was just browsing the ebuyer website and under their new products they have a Sony CRX300E 48/24/48/16 CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive, does anyone have one or know whether it's any good compared to the other combo drives around? The price is about the same as the other drives too.
It's got to be a Lite-ON, I've heard of it being available in some Singapore shops, but I have never seen the box or anything. It better not be another Sony built combo drive like the darn CRX800 series
By the looks of things and a quick search at pricewatch.com it look that the CRX300A is an oem version and the CRX300A is the retail version.
Price will be one differnce in the Sony vs the Lite-On you might be able to find the Line-On drive for less than the Sony.