Ah well...it'll be a nice upgrade:
P4C 2.4GHz -> Athlon 64 3400+ (maybe 3200+, we'll see!) - This'll rock w/the 64-bit SuSE Linux!
GeForce 2 TI -> GeForceFX 5900
15" POS -> 19" Viewsonic
2x120GB & 2x60GB -> 1x160GB (SATA), 1 74GB Raptor (for Linux) & 1 36GB Raptor (for Windoze, MAYBE)
512MB DDR266 -> 1GB DDR433MHz
Game TheaterXP -> SB Audiogy 2 Platinum
DD0401 -> Plextor PX-708 (maybe...might wait for DVD+R DL)
Lite On 166S & 52327S -> Lite On 52x32x52x16 Combo drive
All in all, a nice upgrade, if I do say so myself!! I'm just finishing up a 7-CD backup (I hate being out of DVD+Rs!), and when I done, this hunk of junk is toast!
The downside: No 'net access for two-three weeks!

So, see ya all in about 2 weeks or so! Unless someone replies before I get done backing up