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Ahead still canot update it's web site correctly

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Ahead still canot update it's web site correctly

Postby Howard Kaikow on Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:31 pm

I've lost count of the number of times I, or others, have pointed out the incorrect dates/version numbers at http://www.nero.com/us/nero-up.php.

For example, the version and date of InCD are incorrect.

It sure would help if Ahead proved capable of maintaing that web page.

And that web page most certainly needs to be consistent with http://www.nero.com/us/prog_versions.php.
Howard Kaikow
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Postby BurninMan921 on Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:20 pm

Maintain their website? The can't even maintain their software - I lost count of how many dvds and cds Nero 6 f-ed up because it crashed durning the burn.

Nero...what a pos...
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Postby dburg on Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:06 am

Hi Howard,

Maybe you just got the pages while the webmaster was updating them - I cannot see the version problem. Can you double-check? If you still see a failure, can you precise where it is in the page?

BurningMan921: I'm not sure this flamming is very constructive. Maybe you should contact our techsupport to signal your problem, and they will help you to get it resolved.
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

Nero AG - Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad - Germany

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Postby BurninMan921 on Tue Jul 27, 2004 5:12 pm

dburg wrote:BurningMan921: I'm not sure this flamming is very constructive. Maybe you should contact our
techsupport to signal your problem, and they will help you to get it resolved.

Not trying to flame; just stating my experinces with Nero. As for tech support, well, I use K3b now a and CopyToDVD when I have to use Windows. No problems yet with either.
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