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A ? About FSB/Memory speeds on i865 mobos

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A ? About FSB/Memory speeds on i865 mobos

Postby BurninMan921 on Thu Oct 30, 2003 7:27 am

OK, quick rundown here:
I'm getting an Asus i865 mobo, w/CPU. However, I don't have $ for new memory (yet!), so I have to stick with what I've got: 2 sticks of 266MHz DDR (PC2100). The mobo can run those in dual channel mode for 533Mhz memory speed. Now, that's fine and dandy for a 533Mhz FSB CPU. However, If I get a P4C (800MHz FSB) will I be able to run it with a 3:2 FSB-Memory ratio and still use my current memory? I know my current i845 mobo runs at a 3:2 ratio (400MHz FSB, 266MHz DDR) and the new setup would be exactly 2x as fast on both counts.

So...will this work? Or should I just get the P4B (533Mhz FSB)? I'd really like the C, since it has Hyperthreading and that would be a HUGE performance boost (for me, anyway). Much more so than any clock speed boost...
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Postby hammad on Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:55 am

buying a 865pe chipset is a good choice

you can run a 3/2 mode on asus mobo

p4 2.4c performs much faster and cooler then 533mhz fsb variants.
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