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PX-708A 8x Burning Slow-Down


Postby aviationwiz on Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:38 pm

Yeah, I don't think anyone is going to complain about a slow-down at 97-99%, the only extra time is a matter of seconds. Now a slow-down at 80% is a problem. Of course, we're lucky that we can even do 8x DVD+R on 4x media at all, so, I'm happy.
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Postby VEFF on Mon Sep 29, 2003 11:39 pm

Exact same feelings here.
80% or even 90% would be a problem, but 97 - 99 % is nothing, and since it is apparently done to achieve higher quality quality burns, then I am all for it.

I tried a TDK 4X +R at 8X, and there was no slowdown at all.
Note, however, that it wasn't a good test, since it only contained 3412 MB.
It took 6:27

I'll do one with more data now.
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Postby tazdevl on Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:57 am

FYI drive is tolerating media a bit better with Nero 551042. Not only that but it's sooooo much snappier than Nero 6 which is just a bloated pig that needs to be put on a diet.

Issue I have is when the write fails @ 99%. That has happened more often than I like and I have also seen slowdowns @ 70-80% on occasion too.

I find it difficult to believe we all got a bad batch of media at the same time. These problems popped up all at once and the question remains, is the drive, Nero or a combination of the two @ fault. Any which way you cut it, I'm surprised that neither company has made any kind of official response or acknowledgement.
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Postby tazdevl on Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:59 am

Makes you wonder if we're at the butt end of an OEM deal that went sour.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:25 am

I have personally neither experienced the 70 - 80 % slowdown
nor the failure at the 99% mark with my 708A.
I have burned several discs now with firmware 1.01 installed, without a problem, other than the afore-mentioned 97% mark slowdown with Memorex 4X media when burned at 8X.
The 97% mark slowdown to maintain quality is understandable considering it is being burned at twice its rated speed.

Have you used, or are you using, Nero
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Postby vsekh on Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:13 am

I just un-installed Nero yesterday and went back to nero I was able to complete an 8x burn with a Memorex 4x DVD+R media. With the burn would not finish the close.
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Postby aklausen on Wed Oct 01, 2003 5:50 pm

have anyone tryed nero ??
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:01 pm

I haven't. I'm going to wait until other people try it because I have already lost 3 disks because of Nero, if it works for others, I'll try it.
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Postby Markz2k on Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:35 pm

I experienced a slowdown the first time I tried to burn a 4X disc at 8X. I'm using Nero, firmware 1.01, and the media was the disc supplied by Plextor in the box. I have the Nero Speed registry tweak enabled. The burn stated at 6X, switched to 8X at about 2:00 in, then dropped to 4x at the 50% mark and stayed there the rest of the way. (3 ghost image files totaling 4.2G.) I had the verify option selected and the entire burn/verify process took nearly 40min. Completely unacceptable.

It's not a DMA problem, drive is configured as UDMA mode 2 and is confirmed in device manager. It's an Asus board with an Intel i865PE chipset, so no weird IDE drivers. XP pro w/SP1.

I could hear the drive slow down at the 50% mark, and stay there all the way through to the end of the verify.

I have one more Plextor-supplied disc to try (my first drive died the same day I bought it, and I kept the blank when I exchanged the drive.) I'll try it again with the new Nero version. If it does it again, it's going back. If I'm only gonna get 4x performance, I only want to pay for a 4x drive.
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:37 pm

This is a problem with the 1.01 firmware, but slowing down at 50% is completely unacceptable, I agree with you there.

Try some other media, as in my expiriences, different disks in the same batch can still have very different slow-down points.
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Postby VEFF on Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:11 pm

Try different media Markz2k.
I have used Verbatim, Memorex and TDK with fw 1.01.
The slowdown only occurs with Memorex, and even then only at the 97% mark.
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Postby hoxlund on Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:38 pm

you also don't need to verify the burn, thats what took about 30 minutes of your time
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Postby technics on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:25 am

aviationwiz wrote:This is a problem with the 1.01 firmware, but slowing down at 50% is completely unacceptable, I agree with you there.

no, its not a problem with 1.01. same happend for me with 1.00. and i am also pretty sure its not a DMA/Driver related problem.

@Markz2k: please keep us up to date with your experiences, maybe you find a solution to that problem.
atm 8x works for me only with ricoh discs, but according to the c't article writing quality sucks pretty much on those. tdk/verbatim/sony all burn like Markz2k mentioned in his post :\
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Postby OC-Freak on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:35 am

For me: Ricoh = no slowdowns. Mitsubishi and TY = slowdowns.


Quality: some ricoh types is best, TY in the middle and Mitsubishi at the bottom.
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Postby technics on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:45 am

OC-Freak wrote:For me: Ricoh = no slowdowns. Mitsubishi and TY = slowdowns.


Quality: some ricoh types is best, TY in the middle and Mitsubishi at the bottom.

same for me... but only original ricoh burn with 8x, tdk with ricoh mediacode do have slowdowns. some of my mcc002 also burned with 8x, but only like 2 out of 10 :(
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Postby Markz2k on Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:53 pm

technics wrote:@Markz2k: please keep us up to date with your experiences, maybe you find a solution to that problem.
atm 8x works for me only with ricoh discs, but according to the c't article writing quality sucks pretty much on those. tdk/verbatim/sony all burn like Markz2k mentioned in his post :\

I'll try the other Plextor disc tonight or tomorrow. Should I try it with Nero, or stay with .11? My 30-days is up this weekend, so one more failure, and back it goes. (Actually, it's going back anyway, cause I paid over $320, and can get it from Dell for about $215)
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Postby tazdevl on Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:17 pm

OC-Freak wrote:For me: Ricoh = no slowdowns. Mitsubishi and TY = slowdowns.


Quality: some ricoh types is best, TY in the middle and Mitsubishi at the bottom.

TDK = Ricoh = slowdowns for me.

Who's using 4X +R TY? I wasn't aware it was on the market yet.

Only MCC I know of is Verbatim DLP and I have yet to find a place that has it in quantities less than 50.
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Postby VEFF on Fri Oct 03, 2003 8:29 pm

Strange taz.

I get a full 8X (once it hits 8X at around 20 - 25% mark) with TDK through the end of the burn.
With Memorex it slows to 4X at the 97% mark. That is with Nero

I will check Stomp, since I think Stomp stayed at 8X all the way with Memorex!

Therefore I wonder whether it is the burning software or other OS, PC driver issues, mobo brand etc. as opposed to the media or drive...
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Postby Ian on Fri Oct 03, 2003 10:45 pm

tazdevl wrote:Only MCC I know of is Verbatim DLP and I have yet to find a place that has it in quantities less than 50.

Try Sam's Club. I've seen them in packs of 25 with jewel cases.

TDK's 4x DVD+R media has worked well for me. No slowdowns so far. I can't say as much for Memorex.
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Postby VEFF on Fri Oct 03, 2003 11:32 pm

I have now had two Memorex discs (since going to 1.01) actually burn at ~ 4X all the way through with Stomp RecordNow Max 4.5
I forgot that it had happened the other day.
All my other Memorex discs (quite a few so far with the 708A, including those from the same spindle) burn at 8X.

I am starting to be a little suspicious of their quality control.
I suppose it could also be that I have some new task automatically running in the background.
I did reinstall NIS and NAV, and noticed that Automatic Live Update is enabled by default; I am going to turn it off now.

I'll monitor it...
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Postby bobmitchell on Sat Oct 04, 2003 12:48 am

I get the following:

TDK 4X DVD+ R: 6X for the first 15% of the burn. Then 8X until 98%, then 4X. Usually burns and closes at 8:30

Verbatim Data Life Plus 4X: 6X for the first 15% of the burn and 8X through 100%. Usually burns and closes in 8:10


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Postby OC-Freak on Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:39 am

Here in Norway all new batches of Verbatim DLP is made by TY and 4X. Also plextor 5 packs is available for an even lower price than the Verbatim discs, also 4X TY +R.

I guess Mitsubishi may be upgrading to 8X production lines.
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Postby bobmitchell on Sat Oct 04, 2003 10:53 am

I ran DVDPlus and the TDK's here are Ricoh and as always...the Verbatims are MCC (Mitsubishi Chemical).

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Postby VEFF on Sat Oct 04, 2003 11:41 am

VEFF wrote:I have now had two Memorex discs (since going to 1.01) actually burn at ~ 4X all the way through with Stomp RecordNow Max 4.5
I forgot that it had happened the other day.
All my other Memorex discs (quite a few so far with the 708A, including those from the same spindle) burn at 8X.

I am starting to be a little suspicious of their quality control.
I suppose it could also be that I have some new task automatically running in the background.
I did reinstall NIS and NAV, and noticed that Automatic Live Update is enabled by default; I am going to turn it off now.

I'll monitor it...

I uninstalled 'Alcohol 120' burning software and turned AUTOMATIC LiveUpdate off, and all was well again. It burned at 8X again :)
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Postby tazdevl on Sat Oct 04, 2003 2:23 pm

Ian wrote:
tazdevl wrote:Only MCC I know of is Verbatim DLP and I have yet to find a place that has it in quantities less than 50.

Try Sam's Club. I've seen them in packs of 25 with jewel cases.

TDK's 4x DVD+R media has worked well for me. No slowdowns so far. I can't say as much for Memorex.

Thanks Ian.

Looks like the drive and Nero still don't get along.
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