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52246S writing well, but reading badly.

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52246S writing well, but reading badly.

Postby Bhairav on Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:29 am

Ah,me again :) . I burned about 120 MP3s onto an Acer/Benq blank today. Burn process was fine, and error rate was low. However, when I tried double-clicking on a file on the CD in Windows Exploder, it took a bit of time for Winamp to come up. Then, fast-forwarding in the track took a bit of time too, ie. it was laggy. When I put the same CD into my DVD-ROM drive and MP3-CD Discman, it played fine, with no skips or lags when operating. Could this mean that my drive is dying, or that I just need to clean the lens using a lens-cleaning CD?
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:31 pm

It could also mean that DMA somehow got disabled on the LTR-52246S.
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Postby Bhairav on Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:09 pm

Yeah, I thought of that too, but DMA was enabled throughout, as verified by Sandra and System Properties in Control Panel.Also, the CDSpeed transfer curve was slightly messed up, with a large dip at the beginning. When I tested the CD again, after about 3 hours,I got a perfect curve. So I think heat may have affected the reading capabilities of the Lite-On..
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
Xonar DX | Pioneer DVR-212 | Pioneer 111L | Benq 1655
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