Both were used very lightly, only for burning at slow speeds, no ripping almost at all and very light burning use in general.
Now that I no longer have warranty and it would probably cost a fortune to get this unit fix, I'm wondering if anybody has any homegrown tips to fix this problem.
When I try to burn a disc (any app, any cd-r media, any speed) I get the following error from Nero:
- Code: Select all
MMC -1067 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Invalid field in parameter
TRANSFER -27 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Could not perform start of Disc-At-Once
or the following from Feurio:
- Code: Select all
CD-Name: ddd - ddd
Device: [2, 0, 0] YAMAHA - CRW3200E
At command: Write TOC
Comments/Hints: The CD-Writer didn't accept a parameter of an command.
This error can happen, e.g. if your writer isn't supported or has a new firmware.
Both programs have burned on the same computer, using same media and same Yamaha burner successfully before.
Now it fails with the beginning of the burn (nothing is burned on the disc) with 'invalid field in parameter list'.
Anybody know what kind of problem might be causing this?
I dug up a lot of references about this error in various forums, but could not find root cause or any working fix for this.
If anybody knows more about this, please chime in.
PS I've only had 4 burners fail on me in my 13 years of burning discs and three of them were Yamaha. Good burners, though not very reliable :)