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Ct' 22 -2003 German version DVD-/+R(W) test /K-probe info


Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Oct 27, 2003 4:53 pm

Thanks! Will do!
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Postby Halc on Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:56 am

Thank you RJW for that excellent update!

Let me comment on a few things.

These are my musings based on my on-going cd-r testing and ongoing research into dvd-/+r standards and testing gear/methodology.

My main arguments:

1) KProbe is not useless

Kprobe does seem to measure reading process related bit errors to a useful statistical repeatability accuracy FOR A PARTICULAR LITEON MODEL (sans some that have known inaccuracies).

That is, the results using one disc and several same model drives correlate reasonably well with each other.

This means, that for testing the relative count of reading process error related bit errors, KProbe is indeed very useful.

2) KProbe results cannot be generalized to other drives or to other discs

Kprobe results with disc A do not mean that disc A is generally good or bad. That depends on the writer and to a lesser extend, the reader.

Low level results from a professional analyzer are needed (over a large sampling of same discs) to get a relative measure about the quality of a disc under varying writing conditions.

Kprobe cannot offer these low level results. Plextools offers some results like these for CD discs and the generalisability of those results is still somewhat in the air (yes, I've read your excellent report on the Plextools test earlier).

3) Kprobe results cannot be used as an absolute measure

If one gets X amounts of Y type of errors on a disc A with Kprobe and certain LiteOn drive, does that mean that the disc writte is within specifications (for dvd and for dvd+r) or not?

This is impossible to deduce from the results.

As low level problems manifest themselves in reading process related bit errrors, which vary from drive to drive, it is impossible to generalise absolute measures from one drive to another.

We can only say that the reading resulted in a situation that was within the specifications or which wasn't.

We cannot say for sure that reading in another drive (different model/maker) will result in a similar result.

4) Calibrated Audio Developments CATS analyzers have limits to their testing capability, which can sometimes be exceeded by using consumer drives (e.g. LiteOn and/or Plextor drives)

In my CD-R testing I have come across cd-r discs that had so bad low level problems that CATS just plainly refused to even return low level measurements for these disc. The testing process just failed to start.

However, I was able to successfully measure some rough C1 and C2 error distributions for a Plextor Premium and LiteON 48246S and LiteOn 52327S drives.

Furthermore, I was able to extract that data from the disc that the CATS just plainly refused to even test, not to mention measure for reading process related bit level errors.

Hence, the testing drive, even in calibrated CATS units, is just an example of what one particular type of drive can do at its best.

It may be able to perform wonderfully on a certain type of discs, but it may utterly fail on other discs, which still remain readable on consumer drives.

Of course, CATS is under constant development for testing purposes.

That's why situations where it fails and consumer drives excel (and not vice versa) are probably statistically quite rare. Probably, because I don't have a large enough sampling to argument this in a believable manner even to myself :)

5) There are no absolute single set of measurements for low level attributes and reading process related bit errors that are the final truth

Deduced from above it is painfully apparent that there is no single set of measurements that is 'the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth'.

In measuring analog signals (that's how bits are encoded on discs, as analog variations), the measurements are always a combination of various factors:

- the measurement technique (what is measured and how)
- the measurement device (CASTs, LiteOn, Premium, etc)
- the measurement situation variables (EMI, RFI, humidity, temp, vibration, etc)
- measurement signal processing (ASICS, software, etc)

However, after having seen CATS in action along with three other professional quality analyzers I can say that for overall professional management of disc quality, the professional testers are much, much more useful than something like KProbe or Plextools Pro are.

They just return so much more useful information and you get a better cross reference from one measurement to another, which enables you deduce further things from the results.

Bit level errors are for the most part reading process related errors and it's debatable whethere they even are on the discs themselves.

As such, the low level measurements that preceed bit level errors are really, really useful in disc quality analysis.

6) What we need are rough relative measures of low level problems on discs, done using consumer gear (they don't need to be overly generalisable or absolutely correct)

We need something like Plextools Professional for DVD discs, with more parameters and more manufacturer drives supported than just Plextor.

I believe this is in our future if we press on and ask for these things from manufacturers repeatedly.

While getting there, I still believe that KProbe and UM Doctor Pro II can be useful relative measures for determing which DVD discs can be more succesfully read in the drive on which it was tested (however, this may not give us always a very accurate insight into the writing quality/compatibility with the disc).

So, absolute measures or generalisations from test drive to other models are still merely a pipe dream, although we can sometimes speculate interesting and even useful things, when we have enough data from various models available.

In the end, please do not understand that this is disagreeing automatically with anybody.

I'm merely writing what I've learned and what I think is the most useful way of looking at these tests.

I think I agree with 99% of what RJW has written.

I only think that Kprobe/UM Doctor Pro II are not 'useless' per se.

They can be useful, even if somewhat inaccurate, ambigious in their labelling of various levels of errors and even if the measurements cannot be inductively generalized to a larger population of drives.

friendly regards,

PS Yes, my CD-R test is coming along slowly. I've hit some bumbs on the way and have other matters to tend to as well. More news to follow as I progress.
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:10 am

Thanks Halc for the very thoughtful and accurate summation.
I would add, or emphasise, that Kprobe is only the lens through which we look at discs, the drive is the source of the error counts. You cannot separate the software from the hardware in interpretations of error scans.
Also, although OC has not had a chance to post back his research on the tests, or is still working on it, there is serious question about how the LiteOn drives and Kprobe were used in the tests. Most likely, either 6x or 4x scan speeds were used. 1x speeds would have hugely altered the results and produced much different conclusions. Even so, a 70% rate of consistancy with the CATS analyzers is very high IMHO, and would be much higher had the LiteOn scan speeds been used correctly.
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Postby RJW on Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:23 am

I think were prety on the same level Halcyon.
Let me go through to you comments.

1 Kprobe is not useless.
Agree. Most drives of the same model will give back the same values.
However I have seen cases in which drive gave completely not matching data back.
2 K-probe cannot be generalized to other drives or to other disc's.
3 Again we agree.
4 CATS have limits.
However the ability of the drive not being able to not read the disc's is enough to conclude that's it outside the standards for most cd drives.
Some tollerant readers will still read it .(LIte On Plextor) but the mayority of the readers can not read the data back. Because it's outside the oficial standards. The CATS analyzer should be at the level a average drive at the time it was released should be able to read a disc is the disc parameters are below the limits.
Test allready showed by C't and audiodev themselves have indicated that a lot of modern new drives are better readers.
Still if there drive can not read it does mean that it's a bad disc since it's outside the standards for quite a large part of drives.
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Postby Halc on Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:16 pm

Thanks for the additions rdgrimes and rjw!

I completely agree with you.

I just want to ask one question, to make sure I understand and not just think I understand :)


"I would add, or emphasise, that Kprobe is only the lens through which we look at discs, the drive is the source of the error counts."

Can you try and paraphrase that? I'm afraid I lost you there. Meaning in English sometimes escape me...

friendly regards,
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:12 pm

Can you try and paraphrase that? I'm afraid I lost you there. Meaning in English sometimes escape me...

How about: Don't shoot the messenger? :wink:

I just mean that Kprobe is nothing more than a display of what the drive is reporting, it doesn't interpret or "measure" errors, it just reports them. It's neither accurate or inaccurate. (assuming there's no interference in the reporting, like real-time display or inadequate system resources)
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Postby RJW on Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:44 pm

Combining all other info.
And I think I wasn't completely clear and maybe C't wasn't but
most people are usseing K-probe to judge the burn quality or the support of media by a drive. However because it doesn't matter some important factors for HF signal and tracking it is not ussefull for a good judgement on media (Since the 3 factors are all important at the same level for a disc) That's why I called it usseless at leas for they way as current people use it. However for a quick scan on how it might perform on the drive itself it might be still reliable.
However we still don't know how good we can trust it.
However rdgrimes might help us. I saw that you had a disc with a extreme high pi8 level above 1600 I think it was the maximum of 1644 on cdfreaks problem. Could you do us the favour of trying to copy this disc back to your harddrive usseing the same drive as you did the measurements with. It shouldn't be able to do it at least not at full speed if it smart enough it will seriously lower it's speed. However still there's a good change that it will fail. So check and report in with the ripping speed if you can rip it that is. If it fails then please say so. Since this is actually positive news.

About accuracy. There is a difference when measureing.
And some tools can be inaccurate/ accurate.
I will come back on this one. Problem is I don't know how to say it correct in English in Dutch allready I can explain it but it's allready a thing which is done quite some times wrong and I don't want this one to screw up.

By the way Halcyon did you do multiple measurements of the same disc on the same device. Since that is something which will be very important and did you take out any possible outside effects. In other words used all the drives in the same room at the same time and under the most same conditions as possible ?
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:41 pm

Could you do us the favour of trying to copy this disc back to your harddrive usseing the same drive as you did the measurements

No, it's a coaster, Kprobe scan does not even complete most of the time on several of those discs.
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Postby RJW on Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:11 am

OKay that's good news. Since it shouldn't be technical readable by a dvd reader because of the error level which is true.
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