VSO Software releases today DVD Converter, a program to convert DVD movies into any format. In a 3-step process, DVD videos and ISO images can be converted into AVI, DVD, MKV, PS3, Divx, iPad, iPhone or Ipod format and burnt to DVD if needed. The live preview and a  variety of options enable full customization, including: easy movie and bonuses selection, chapters, multiple audio tracks and subtitles support and menu creation.


“The converter has been developed with two guidelines: “versatility” and “simplicity”. With one single tool, the user can backup his favorite movie and play it on any device he may have at hand, like the ever popular Ipad or PS3”, says Cedric Van-Dendaele, DVD Converter developer. He also adds “It is also a useful tool for making copies of DVDs.”

Packaged with an Advanced Image Filter processor, DVD Converter makes no compromise on quality. Users can optimize their settings selection thanks to the Quality Advisor that predicts the output quality. The software is optimized for multi-core processors and NVIDIA Cuda profile for faster conversions. Standard and High Definition output are offered, as well as various video codecs H264, Mpeg4, Xvid, AC3, AAC, DTS. Multiple angles films are also supported.rnDedicated forum and guides are provided on VSO Software’s website.

DVD Converter can be downloaded here.

The program costs 29.99$.